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Virtual Violence:
Violent Video Games
Now before you go and pick up Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, think about this. Do you consider this game violent? And if you do, what kind of effect do you think it has on you? Many young kids today are exposed to very violent games and even though they may not notice, it affects them greatly. According to David Walsh at a recent conference, 79% of kids play video or computer games on a regular basis, and children between the ages 7 and 17 play games for an average of eight hours a week. Does this include you?
Studies show that youth that are ‘addicted’ to playing games were more likely to be in a bad mood before and after violent game play as opposed to non-‘addicted’ students. Now, before you blow this off, think about it. If you’re in a bad mood often you affect the people around you. They wouldn’t want to be around someone who’s always grumpy and cranky. And this is before and after game play, which is possibly all the time. Violent game play can also evoke violent and aggressive behavior.
According to a study of eighth and ninth graders, students who played more violent games were more likely to view the world as a violent place. Think of it this way. If you viewed the world this way, then you yourself become violent. Meaning, if you think everyone is out to get you, you would want to fight back, right? Also, students who play violent games were more likely to get into arguments with teachers, which could affect your academic grades, and fights during school, which also drops you grade and affects your future. Already you see that it affects your behavior and potentially your future. So is playing violent games really worth the risk?
And on top of that it affects your bodily functions. Playing bad games increases your heart rate and induces psychological arousal, and your blood pressure increases. All of these things happen when you are in a fight, but you are just sitting there; playing a game you are subjecting your body to dangerous conditions. Again, I ask you, is it worth the risk?
Now, I know that the more violent games tend be a lot more fun than the norm. But do you think it is worth to risk the way your life is now to just to have a few hours of entertainment? I don’t think so. And in conclusion, the next time you decide to play Saints Row, or Gears of War, think about how that may affect you. It may be a little; it may be a lot, but it all matters.