Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Essay for Interval

Are You Ready For Some Football?

"He-could-go-all-the-way, touchdown!" The commentators shout into their microphone. Football is a favorite sport of Americans due to the skill, and agility, and strength you need yo succeed in order to play the sport. Professional football is currently the number one American sport.
Most Americans tend to watch football more than they take part in it. This may be because football is a dangerous sport. You can be easily and badly injured while playing. But fans still show their support by displaying their team's logo on their personal belongings and attending games. Football is played by both men and women (but in different leagues) during a seventeen week period, and takes place in a stadium. Football is played by eleven people (on the field), who try and get the football into the endzone on the other side of the field. When they do it is called a touchdown. A touchdown is worth seven points. Also they can kick the football into the a large almost U shaped goal that towers above the field called a field goal. And these can be worth either three or one, depending on the situation.
Football is a great sport to watch and take part in. It excites you, and makes you jump and down and shout, whether with frustration or with joy. Americans enjoy watching rough and competetive sports. So if your looking for an American sport that will surely ignite your entertainment, professional football is the way to go.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008



Thursday, November 13, 2008

Verbal Phrases+Picture Story=THIS

The child learned so much from just sitting there in the her Grandmama's living room. She closed her eyes and let her grandmothers husky voice create pictures in her mind. The smell of baking cookies swirled in the air and the cool air of the air conditioner made the moment all the more wonderful for her. She loved visiting her Grandmama, she always had so many stories to tell, one always more enthralling than the last.Though sometimes she was angry with her parents about leaving for the city so much, she did'nt mind spending the day with her Grandmama. As a matter of fact, she hated it when she had to go home. She listened intently and soon everything changed. The child no longer felt the cool ari conditioner but the warmth of the sun and a cool breeze. She didn't hear the hum of the icebox, but an a distant voice shouting out words. She saw many people, mostly of color, gathered around the Washington Monument and looking forward listening the shouting words. It took a while for the child to understand what picture her Grandmama's voice had created this time, but she soon realized that she had transported her back into time, into a very historic moment. A smile broke out across her face and listened to the speech of Martin Luther King Jr. All at once the scene disappeared before her and she was back in her Grandmama's living room and the cool air conditioner, the smell of baking cookies, the soft leather beneath her, were all back. All she could do was sit smiling at her grandmother, just as the door opened and the child's Mama walked into the living room.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Compare and Contrast

Modern Times Printer Vs. Colonial Times Printer
Times have changed greatly, especially since we have entered the computer age. Do you know what it was like way back in the Colonial times? Do you think that you can live without your cell phone, or your computer, or your car? Back then they didn’t have those things and had to do without. Here’s something to think about, do you know how in the morning, your newspaper is there? Do you ever wonder how it is made? By computers of course!
In Colonial times a printer was much different from the ones we have today. Theirs had small metal letters covered with ink, and when they pressed the button the letters would press against the paper and there you have your words. Today all you have to do is type the stories into the computer and press print. The computer did everything else. Another large difference is the people. The printer was the person that typed the story, but today the person who types the story is a reporter and they used a computerized printer to print out their work.
But there are some similarities too. The stories themselves are written by a person, and both printers (not the person) require ink to print the words. People still have to go out and find a story to report to the people of the town as well. Even though their times may be very different from ours, without their inventions we wouldn’t have what we have today.


oh yes;
history was made this past Tuesday;
A black man was elected President;
And I had a 2 flutes of champagne (Everything was very funny after the second one.);
I was (still am) sick for the entire holiday (Friday to Tuesday);
I had mondo tension headaches for what seemed like ever and my head is still what i can only describe as sore from the pain.
In the mend;
Arican American prez.;
Life's good.
(more or less)

Peace and Hairgrease;

n u g g e t

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pretty Self Explanatory


They're big and small
They're short and tall
They can be brown or white
Some have fur that glisten in the light
They are playful and happy
And they hardly ever take a "nappy"
They run around the house barking cheerily at one another
They roll around in the mud
One after another
They're so precious you can buy one for your spouse
And it's all fun and games until they go "potty" in the house

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Okay. I was having fun with PowerPoint today. (You guys know what that is). If you think about it is kinda ironic, because i was having fun doing a powerpoint on POLIO. I think that is pretty messed up. So yeah. Check it out.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Virtual Violence Essay for HOLT

check it outttt...

Virtual Violence:
Violent Video Games

Now before you go and pick up Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, think about this. Do you consider this game violent? And if you do, what kind of effect do you think it has on you? Many young kids today are exposed to very violent games and even though they may not notice, it affects them greatly. According to David Walsh at a recent conference, 79% of kids play video or computer games on a regular basis, and children between the ages 7 and 17 play games for an average of eight hours a week. Does this include you?

Studies show that youth that are ‘addicted’ to playing games were more likely to be in a bad mood before and after violent game play as opposed to non-‘addicted’ students. Now, before you blow this off, think about it. If you’re in a bad mood often you affect the people around you. They wouldn’t want to be around someone who’s always grumpy and cranky. And this is before and after game play, which is possibly all the time. Violent game play can also evoke violent and aggressive behavior.

According to a study of eighth and ninth graders, students who played more violent games were more likely to view the world as a violent place. Think of it this way. If you viewed the world this way, then you yourself become violent. Meaning, if you think everyone is out to get you, you would want to fight back, right? Also, students who play violent games were more likely to get into arguments with teachers, which could affect your academic grades, and fights during school, which also drops you grade and affects your future. Already you see that it affects your behavior and potentially your future. So is playing violent games really worth the risk?

And on top of that it affects your bodily functions. Playing bad games increases your heart rate and induces psychological arousal, and your blood pressure increases. All of these things happen when you are in a fight, but you are just sitting there; playing a game you are subjecting your body to dangerous conditions. Again, I ask you, is it worth the risk?

Now, I know that the more violent games tend be a lot more fun than the norm. But do you think it is worth to risk the way your life is now to just to have a few hours of entertainment? I don’t think so. And in conclusion, the next time you decide to play Saints Row, or Gears of War, think about how that may affect you. It may be a little; it may be a lot, but it all matters.

Monday, October 13, 2008


As many of you may know we have a lot going on this week. Especially for me. Monday is the day for doctors appointment. Tuesday is when the chaos begins. For one, it's my buddies birthday, and its volleyball tryouts, and school pictures. Wednesday is the day for cheerleading/dance team tryouts and I tend to go. But in the morning we have the EXPLORE test and I know everyone is looking forward to that! (NOT!) Thurday is the second day for cheerleading/dance team tryouts. Friday I don't know what may be going on but hopefully they will announce who made what team. I am exhausted. I haven't gotten decent sleep in about a week. I hope i get to rest up this weekend but it doesn't look to likely. Wish me luck guys!

Peace and Hairgrease,

Friday, October 3, 2008

Free writer

I had to do a free writing project for the week. Based on this picture: Helen Frankenthaler's Flood


Looking at this picture I can practically hear the strangled cries of the stranded New Orleanians, as the ravaging hurricane ripped through the bowl-shaped city. My eyes prick with the thought of the many innocent people reduced to such low living conditions, sometimes resulting in death. The sharp crack from the failing levees creates a tsunami of fear, crashing over the citizens and washing away the very foundations of what we know as the city of New Orleans. Along with the houses, all traces of hope and happiness washed away with the contaminated waters. Leaving nothing behind but damage, destruction and depression. Homes and stores were looted and people lost their lives. The air was thick with the stench of horror, so pungent it was almost tangible. Thank goodness for FEMA!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Character Contest

There is this character contest thingy that we are entering. We as in the class of course. I thing my character is retardded (not literally). Anywho, more on that l8er. Gotta go to another site.
peace and hairgrease,

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Interval Testing Material

This is the work i sent in for my interval testing. I faked a fight because i really didnt have wone worth mentionign that was short enough and all my other altercations were too long. because the requirements are something-250 words. And I wasnt Shakesoeare when I woke up this morning and I'm not him now (Plus I'm a girl). Enjoy anyway:

Buddy Battle
"Stop telling me what to do!" I shouted at my best friend Shazia. My voice had risen an octave and echoed off the bleachers, but the gym was buzzing with so much activity no one seemed to notice. I had never shouted at her like that before, or anyone at the time. I was taught to suck things up, and not to let it bother me. Yet Shaz continued to boss me around. Giving little "suggestions" about how I should do things. SHe had pushed me too far and I snapped. And though i was shocked that this had happened, it felt great to get it off my chest.
Her expression faltered. "What?"
"You heard me Shazia! I am sick and tired of you telling me what to do! Coudl you for once just accpet me for who I am?" I countered, i was on a roll. I couldnt stop to thik about the consequences for this. \
To my suprise she just nodded, "You're right." my jaw dropped but she continued. "I'm sorry, I do liek the way you look, I just can't help it. "
Before she ahd time to change her mind. "No biggie, just chill every once in a while y'know?" I tossed her the basketball I was holding then ran back out onto the court.

I thinks it's stupid. I was rushing to finish up on the computer and I cut alot of the stuff, when I did the word count on GoogleDocs it said 3 hundred something words and i had to delete like half the thing and shorten the dialogue. So yeah.

Monday, September 15, 2008


This is my poem for Ms. Chaloux's class, they didn't want to let me transfer the poem from my personal to this new school blog so I had to retype it here. Enjoy!


Some have rough surfaces, and some have smooth surfaces, like freshly varnished wood.
Some smell like a fresh spring morning, others smell like Elmer's Glue
Some swivel like the hand of a clock, some are stationary like the Fort Knox
Some are shaped like an irregular L, and many have legs to support our weight and theirs
Oh! How, I love to sit in you chair!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


After leaving the library, Michelle jogged down the hallway, her shoes sounded with quick thud's on the linoleum floor. Her hair thumping aginast her back. She laid a damp hand on Jim's broad shoulder. His dry jacket felt strange to her moist hand.

"Do you know where my wallet is?" Michelle asked breathlessly, brushing her bangs out of her face.
"What is a wallet? Oh! A wallet! No...Did you check the library?" he replied, looking at her through the curtain of his chestnut hair.
"I checked there and I didnt see it!" she shouted, her face turning crimson with rage.
"Oh, really? I dont know, where did you last see it?" he queried, his head tilted his head to the side in confusion.
"The library, I noticed it was gone when we went to get lunch." she informed.
"Oh, well did you eat it?" he wondered.
"Yes! I need to find it, it has both my money and my I.D. in there!" she exclaimed.
"Then it's in your stomach, silly!" Jim grinned.
"No," she fumbled around in her bookbag. "Oh! Here it is! Thanks!" She began to walk away.
"Sure thing!" he called to her.

Shaking his head Jim continues to go on his way to the gym. Michelle clutched her wallet in her hand. Determined not to let it go for the remainder of the day.

[This is a dialogue activity we did in class. To do this activity you had to write a dialouge between two people then you had to rewrite it but with one speaker missing, then give it to a partner so they could fill in the blank speaker. I thought this one was quite funny so I chose this one.]

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

School Blog

This is my official blog for school. This way i still have my personal blog and i can have one specifically for school, and posts for Ms. Chaloux's class. I will post homework assignments up here, because, personally i dont like writing, but i am a wiz at typing. I can type forever. [and ever and ever]. So, im outtie i have to add on to my personal blog y'know.
Peace, Love, Hairgrease!